Monday, August 18, 2008

something to think about

What if I completely trusted God with my entire life?  Every second of every minute of every day etc... Would I worry? Would I still be scared? Would I become better at living each moment to its fullest? Is it possible for a human to no longer care about worldly problems, or to not think about the future?  I have been thinking about these questions a lot lately.  Mostly because of the only person that is reading this.  I want to trust God with my existence.  I am trying to.  The more I try, the less I worry, the less I worry, the more that I feel like the ideal answers to the above questions may be possible.  God is big, understatement and then some, I know.  He is bigger than my problems.  He loves me more than I can imagine.  If I trust him fully and completely, I no longer have anything to truly be afraid of.  Life is minuscule compared to eternity.  Death is not the end, but the beginning. Life is not the entree, but a single m&m that you eat before the appetizer, then smaller still.  When I think about things in light of eternity, my own hopes, dreams, fears, plans, wishes, and problems get swept away.  I am unimportant.  Eventually, no one will remember me.  The people I love will all die.  If I don't get to spend my time on earth with the people that I would like to, it will be alright.  It will be a short time of suffering compared to the eternal bliss that is to come for those privileged enough to know God personally.  My main goal should be to make sure that this group of people is as large as possible.  
God is good. He has a plan for me. Both as a human with a short amount of time on the earth and as an eternal being.  I am happy about that.  

1 comment:

Jenna said...

the correlation is amazing isn't it... like the more we give over, the easier it is to feel secure in christ and His promises.

i love you and your heart, baby.